An introduction to Square Mile

Square Mile is an investment research and fund ratings firm, dedicated to discovering the investment funds that they believe have the best prospects to make your money work hard for a secure future.
Their research team capability is recognised as one of the strongest, most knowledgeable, experienced and effective in the UK retail investment market and the investment professionals at Square Mile have generated highly regarded fund research and ratings designed to help investors make the right choices.

What Square Mile do

  • Square Mile offer independent research across the investment market to enable them to choose the most appropriate funds
  • their experienced team spend their time researching, analysing and assessing funds and their managers to understand exactly what each fund is trying to achieve and they seek to establish how the funds meet their objectives through differing market and economic cycles
  • they work in the heart of the fund management community; meeting with quality managers regularly throughout the year to ascertain how they believe their funds will perform. They do not expect that a fund will meet its objectives through all market and economic cycles but that a manager will deliver over the longer term.
  • to identify the right investments, they undertake in-depth research to scrutinise each fund. This extensive fund research process provide a distinctive edge in portfolio construction.

The Investment Research Team

Real value comes from truly understanding fund managers and this can only be achieved through an in depth knowledge of how they think and work.

To deliver such research they invest in professional, qualified and experienced people who meet with fund managers to understand how those managers work, how they think and how they react to markets. They listen, observe, test, challenge, discuss, deliberate and form opinions.

How Dentons Wealth work with Square Mile to help you

Whilst everything Square Mile do is focused on helping their clients and individuals invest their money wisely and all of their services are designed to continually improve investor outcomes, they do not provide these services directly to private investors. They work, and are contracted directly with us at Dentons Wealth, and we relay their recommendations to our clients.

Understanding what an investor is seeking to achieve and determining a risk profile is all part of our advice process, which provides guidance to what type of portfolio may be suitable to clients, and further provides the opportunity to meet clients' desired needs within the risk parameters agreed with them.

It is this planning process, undertaken by us, that will determine what type of portfolio is appropriate to meet client needs.

Dentons Wealth still remain responsible for your financial plan; determining which portfolio is best for clients according to their investment goals, within their agreed risk tolerance; and for all aspects of managing our relationship. It is also our responsibility to continue to carry out continuous due diligence on Square Mile and to withdraw clients from this service, if we feel it is appropriate.

Square Mile will not have access to client personal details and will not hold the assets that clients have in their  portfolios.

The assets within client portfolios remain with the platform or provider recommended by us. Square Mile’s role is to advise us of any recommended changes to make to the portfolios. It will remain Dentons Wealth who determines the suitability of a portfolio to meet client needs and we will illustrate the related costs when an investment agreement is made.

Please also be assured that the service Square Mile provides is funded by Denton Wealth and does not impact on costs to our clients.

Running a successful portfolio

The assets within your portfolios remain with the platform or product recommended by Dentons Wealth. Square Mile’s role is to advise Dentons Wealth of any changes we need to make to the portfolios. This means that where changes need to be made to respond to market movements, they can be communicated and efficiently implemented. As this is an advised process it still remains very reliant on you, our clients, engaging with Dentons Wealth and responding to recommendations swiftly.

Investors will see minor adjustments recommended from time to time, as a result of changes in the Strategic Asset Allocation. They will also see changes of funds that relate to more tactical positioning of their portfolios. Square Mile do not aim to second-guess market activity. Instead, they manage portfolios with a long term view and where the management of risk is paramount.

They will only recommend changes to portfolios that are relative to the investment risk that you are prepared to take and all changes and the rationale for such changes are communicated to you, by Dentons Wealth, so you are aware what is happening with your investments at all times.

Portfolios are continually monitored to make sure each fund is performing as it should, and that it suits the current market conditions. This allows changes to be made in the best way to take advantage of current trends to deliver strong performance.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this article is accurate and correct, the information provided does not constitute any form of financial advice. We recommend that you take financial advice before making any financial decisions.