Deciding whether to manage your own finances or to employ a financial adviser can be a dilemma. It also doesn’t need to be a case of one or the other. Not everyone needs an ongoing relationship with an adviser but there are signs that it could be a positive move for you.

Time is a precious commodity. Properly managing your investments and making the right financial decisions does takes time, skill, and effort. Busy executives, business owners and working parents already have a lot on their plates. Researching financial questions, evaluating your options, developing a strategy and executing your decisions can be very time consuming. Even if you can make the time, perhaps you would prefer not to if it takes away from other things you would rather be doing. Personal finance is not interesting to everyone and if this leads to you neglecting or putting off decisions, it is likely to be beneficial to speak to an adviser. There is also potentially a cost to delaying financial decisions.

Our lives can be complex and somewhat intertwined. Making a decision in one aspect of your financial plans can impact another. How can you be sure you are going to get the best outcome if you haven’t done it before? A financial adviser can keep you on track and proactively identify risks and opportunities. We value experience in nearly every aspect of our lives so why discount this when it comes to managing your finances? If your accounts, investments and/or pensions are scattered across multiple institutions, it can be difficult to ascertain where you stand. This is another situation where an adviser can add value, for example, by moving or consolidating old pensions.

It is important to know where you stand financially, even if you are afraid of the answer.

During an advice process, you can discuss developing a cohesive investment strategy and an understanding of how you are progressing towards your goals. Getting organised and building your plans moving forward is critical. However, it doesn't end there. People often need help implementing and staying on track with their investment goals, or revising plans as things change. A one-off financial health check can fail. Getting on the right track is a good start but ongoing support and reviews are vital as changes to your life, the financial markets and economy keep coming.

Deciding to retire, take an early retirement, sell a business, take a lump sum and/or an income from a pension, invest into non cash based assets and buying a home are some examples of major financial decisions. You may also be making as big of a decision by taking no action at all. An adviser can help you quantify your decisions and assess your alternatives. Getting your finances in order, ensuring your family is cared for and getting a grasp on your plans can be empowering and liberating. Reducing or removing this source of anxiety can make working with a financial adviser well worth your time.

Once you decide you need a financial adviser, try not to let it sink to the bottom of your to-do list. It may not seem pressing, but life moves fast, and we never know what changes are on the horizon. On the whole, financial advisers enjoy helping people so why not start the conversation to see how one can help you today.

Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this article is accurate and correct, the information provided does not constitute any form of financial advice. We recommend that you take financial advice before making any financial decisions.